🏅 The Summit Rapid Climbing Stirrups are great for stopping your feet slipping out of climber tree stands half way up a tree.

Summit Climbing Treestand Stirrups Review 2025

Summit Climbing Foot Stirrups Review

Summit Climbing Treestand Stirrups Review 2025


Staying safe when using a climbing tree stand is a top priority.

Have you ever been in a tree stand and pulled up your feet, only for one of them to slide out and you to lose your balance as you’re halfway up? I’d say we’ve all been there at one time or another.

Summit is aware of this issue. It leads the way in keeping you safe by designing a simple but elegantly effective Summit climbing treestand stirrups. It’s the first of its kind and makes sure that your foot remains solidly locked to the base of your climber tree stand so that you avoid injury or a fall.

Things to consider before buying the Summit Climbing  Treestand Stirrups

We believe it’s a no-brainer given how cheap they are and the added security it provides.

You will be interested in these Summit stirrups if:

  • you use a climber tree stand
  • you have ever felt at risk of misplacing a foot on your tree stand as you shimmy up
  • you are continually messing with bungees or straps
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The Summit Rapid Climbing Treestand Stirrups

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ir?t=sharpshaft 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B000ND7EJ4The Summit Rapid Climbing Stirrups have been designed to fit around a range of boot designs. This creative design ensures a firm grip on most footwear, and they are ergonomically adjustable to fit any boot.

The design keeps your boot securely fixed to the platform, allowing you to quickly and safely climb to reach your target height.

To use them, you place your heel on the bungee, pull it back, and push your foot into the stirrup – it’s dead simple! The advantage of this is you don’t need to bend down and (re)tighten your toe straps.

The first time you use them, they will feel slightly different from what you are used to. It’s not a question of quality, though; you need to get the hang of it. Once you’ve been up and down a couple of times, you won’t remember the old way.

As part of the package, you will receive both stirrups with their mounting bolts, and a new stretch cord.

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Does it fit a Hawk Tree Stand?

We urge you to measure your tree stand to make sure it fits. Remember that the stirrups fit any tree stand with a one-inch square tubing. This is the case for many commercial tree stands beside those manufactured by Summit.

That said, we understand that it doesn’t fit on all Hawk Tree Stands, so it’s even more critical you measure first.

Does it fit a Lone Wolf Tree Stand?

These stirrups don’t fit the Lone Wolf, as the support bar is located in a different place, meaning your feet will be in a tricky position for climbing. We don’t recommend it.

Does it fit a Summit Viper or Goliath Tree Stand?

Yes! These stirrups work with all Summit tree stands, as they are all built to the same specifications, which allow you to fix the stirrups. You can even see them in use on the manufacturer’s website!


Don’t think twice about this purchase. Mainly because of the price – even if they don’t suit you, you haven’t lost much.

Nonetheless, we thoroughly recommend them as we always use them now, and don’t have to bend down to fiddle with bungees, readjust footing or tighten straps.

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Summit Climbing Foot Stirrups Review

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